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Reasons Why People Are Not Hired

  1. Poor personal appearance. You're better off over dressed than under.
  2. Inability to express thoughts clearly-poor voice, diction, grammar.
  3. Lack of planning for a career.
  4. Lack of interest or enthusiasm.
  5. Lack of confidence and poise.
  6. Failure to participate in activities.
  7. Unwilling to "pay dues" or start at the bottom. Focus on job being presented.
  8. Makes excuses, hedges or past issues, unfavorable.
  9. Forgets to be courteous and write thank you notes. NO typos or misspelled words.
  10. Condemns past employer.
  11. Failure to look interviewer in the eye.
  12. Weak handshake
  13. Sloppy appearance on application and it's not filled out completely or legibly.
  14. No interest in industry or company and did not do homework on company history.
  15. Inability to take criticism.
  16. Unable to clearly and concisely discuss strengths and weaknesses. Be prepared.
  17. Late to interview without good reason or calling to let client know they will be late.
  18. Failure to express appreciation for interviewer's time.
  19. No questions about the job and what the first project will be.
  20. Failure to answer questions directly. Failure to ask interviewer about themselves.
  21. Failure to answer honestly. Don't LIE!
  22. Failure to ask for the job.


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